Will the Terminator have your voice? This AI copies humans!

Back in 2017, a startup called Lyrebird AI tweeted an artificially engineering voice of former President Barack Obama. While this tweet garnered very little attention, the success of VR and AI related software and hardware highlighted in recent events, including Apple at WDCC and NVIDIA at the GTC Technology Conference in Taiwan point to the inevitable fact that we are in an age of wonders. And that includes life-like robots and now, AI-s imitating the human voice. (Tsk, Skynet!)


Back then, it sounded like a speech recording. But as it turns out, you can now use AI to order pizzas or call home and tell you would be late when you are at the disco. Here’s a video on the same.


TWEET Courtesy: Lyrebird AI
VIDEO Credit: Bloomberg Businessweek

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